
Infoklik : Autorun / Autoplay ? ( English )

What is Autorun / Autoplay?

Autorun, or "Autoplay", are extended automatic functions associated with removable media such as CDs and DVDs. The foundation of this feature is the insert notification support in the device driver. Most, if not all, removable devices available today support this feature. After Windows detects that a disk has been inserted, it looks in the disk's root directory, finds, reads, and follows specific instructions defined in a text based configuration file, Autorun.inf.

In short, a computer looks for an "autorun.inf" file within any removable media inserted into it, such as a floppy, CD, or DVD, and if such a file is found, treats the media as an Autorun device. This is the essense of applications automatically launching when a CD/DVD is inserted into a computer. An prime example of this would be the "setup" application executing when a product's CD is inserted.

The Autorun.inf file defines the process or application that will automatically run when a disk is inserted. The Autorun file can also define the following, among other things:

How to make autorun / autoplay on your thumb drive / pen drive in Windows XP ?

To Create an autorun on your thumb / pen drive please follow these steps below :

1. Create an autorun.inf on your thumb / pen drive.

2. Copy and paste to your autorun.inf

icon = mrs.exe
action = mrs.exe

Don't forget to save your autorun.inf

Example :

Good Luck !!


Anonymous said...

Thanx.. it works..

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, I don't think you realize that you've just solved a major problem. I've tried lots of different things, but the line:
is the one that makes the USB actually autorun. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

this is strange cos i have tried this code but still cant get a application to autorun from my usb flash drive without the menu appearing. this is my AUTORUN.inf

label=my application
action=Open It

Anonymous said...

i still cant get an app to run automatically without a pop-up could someone plz help by e-mailing me @ kyled@netspace.net.au ?

Anonymous said...

Yeah it works.. thank you.. if you look at the picture example given. it should be easy to understand..

Unknown said...

Use ShellExecute instead of open and it works fine.

Rahib said...

i want to know if this concept works in windows 7 also i have been trying this but all the time "Acess is Denied" message pops up
is it possible to edit autoplay in Window7 or it there is some other reason ?
mail me : saiyad.srh007@gmail.com